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Welcome to
Pursuit of Wellness and Restoration (PWR), a functional medicine,  health and wellness clinic focused on identifying the root cause of disease and illness. This is done by completing a comprehensive 
investigation on your symptoms, exposures, etc. This typically results in identifying environmental contributors such as exposure to, or ingestion of proinflammatory agents, toxins, food sensitivities & allergies, stress, genetics, nutritional deficiencies, deficiencies in neurotransmitters, enzymes, etc.
Let's see how we can help you!

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Empower Yourself!
No more excuses.
You deserve to have an individualized, 
integrative plan to address your health needs.
 At PWR, we will put the time and effort that it takes into creating this for you!

Arm Strength
Barbell with Weights

Jodi M Rager is a certified registered nurse practitioner (CRNP) with over 16 years of experience in the medical profession, and over 11 years of experience as a practitioner. She has a master's degree in nursing, specializing in family medicine. In addition, she is a Certified Functional and Nutritional Medicine Practitioner (CFNMP) who is passionate about helping others achieve their health and wellness goals, in the most natural way possible.



"Despite pharmacological intervention, I continued to watch my patients (including myself) struggle with chronic disease, weight gain, joint pain, headaches, anxiety, depression, brain fog, fatigue, hormone imbalances, and/or other health problems. I began to dig deeper and found out that there are tons of other causes of these health issues that are not being fully addressed in traditional medicine. I want to help my patients identify these causes and treat the problem, not just the symptoms.


Functional medicine has taught me that every person is unique and requires an individualized plan to help them achieve their optimal wellness. Instead of temporary solutions, I want to work with my patients to help find the root cause of their health issues by investigating genetics, nutritional deficiencies, allergies, behaviors, and environmental exposures. Then, implement a plan, tailored to their individual needs." 


-Jodi M Rager CRNP, CFNMP

Health and wellness

Schedule your appointment today! 

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